Swmmr Grrl

Nearly as exciting as watching someone swim laps

Wednesday, January 26, 2011


5 x 200 M 100 Fri, 50 back, 50 breast
1000 M (approx. 20 minutes or so)

Went swimming for the 2nd time after finally getting my foot into decent shape (plantar fasciitis blues), upped my modest distance from 500M to 1000M no problems, no pain in the foot. I probably could have swum longer, but am being careful with the rehab of my foot.
Get out of the pool and shower (wearing shower sandals to avoid going barefoot and fucking my foot up) The moment I take off my sandals to put on my pants I end up stepping on something that hurts like HELL!!!!

Sit down and take a look at my foot and it's been pierced by an ugly heart earring - all of the way in. Pull it out and continue swearing all the way home and now here!


(and on top of it all the white contrast stripes on the chest of the new swimsuit I bought that are supposed to give the illusion of an hourglass figure ended up being transparent!)

Monday, January 17, 2011


2 x 200m - 100 free, 50 back, 50 breast
100M free
500M (about 12-15 minutes or so)

So as you can see from the abscence of updates on this blog, that something must have been wrong. Unfortunately I started having foot problems in September and it turns out that I had a heel spur/plantar fasciitis.

After several months of R&R my foot is doing much better, but unfortunately it has meant many changes - for example that I currently can't go barefoot. Since I didn't have any bath sandals and there's a long walk through the locker/shower rooms to the pool, this was one of the many reasons that kept me out of the water.

However on Wednesday, after purchasing some bright pink shower sandals, I was finally able to give swimming a try again. There was some minor discomfort in my arch, but otherwise the swim was fine. I decided to limit my swim to 500 meters the first time, but hopefully I'll be able to double it next time if I'm not experiencing any pain in my arch.