Swmmr Grrl

Nearly as exciting as watching someone swim laps

Wednesday, May 05, 2010


400M: 1 x 400 free
100M: 4 x 25 breath on 3, 5, 7, and 3rd stroke
100M: 4 x 25 breast stroke albows in front of chest
100M: 4 x 25 back knees and hips under water
100M: 4 x 25 butterfly kick with fins
200M: 8 x 25 free - maximum 12.5 moderate 12.5
400M: 5.33 x 75 medley with fins (crawl, back, fly)
100M cool down
1500M - approx. 1 hour

Not much to say about tonight's swim, so I won't.