Swmmr Grrl

Nearly as exciting as watching someone swim laps

Tuesday, January 25, 2005


4x200: (100 Crawl, 50 Back, 50 Breast)
800 M (approx. 20 minutes)

The 800M routine while my son was having lessons. Quite fine.

Tuesday, January 18, 2005


1x400: (200 Crawl, 100 Back, 100 Breast)
2x200: (100 Crawl, 50 Back, 50 Breast)
800 M (approx. 20 minutes)

Boy it's really been a while since I've been in the water. 2 weeks ago I took Emil to swimming lessons, but somebody had puked in the big pool, so it was closed for the 20 minutes available for me to swim during Emil's lesson. Last week Emil was too tired and grumpy to swim (as was I). But finally finally we got in the water.

Unfortunately the pool will be closing for 4 weeks in February and March to fix the ceiling.