2 x 200 crawl
50 back
50 breast
messing around in the warm water bassin (approx. 3 minutes)
500m (13:45:49)
As you might guess I forgot to push my stopwatch when I finished my swim. Only as I was entering the locker room, did I realize that I had forgotten. So the above time reflects both the swim and messing around.
Unfortunately I've been having some shoulder pain, which is why I skipped the last 2 Tuesdays.
I went to my physiotherapist a week ago, and she told me that I better take things easy. Since I've proved to myself that I will be able to swim the distance of the race in August, I've decided to take her advice. I've got some pain in the rotater cuff (classic "swimmer's shoulder") but having soon reached age 40, I'm also at a higher risk for "frozen shoulder" (adhesive capsulitis), which is a condition that you really can do little about, and whose etiology is unclear.
Anyway the swim went fine, but since I was feeling some pain, I decided it was best to stop after 500m. My physiotherapist had done some controlled damage to the rotater in order to get it to start the healing process, and I don't want to spoil her efforts.
Swimming at a different time than usual was nice. Really fast swimmer in the lane next to me. Nice not to be the fastest person in the pool for the change. Motivation is much easier if surrounded by really good swimmers.