Swmmr Grrl

Nearly as exciting as watching someone swim laps

Sunday, December 28, 2003


Værløse Swimming Pool
25 M Pool


400: Warm-up
200: Kick (All sides - flutter and fly)
600 M (Forgot watch)

The whole family went swimming today. So I just did a quick swim while father and son were still changing. My trapezius is acting up on me, so I'm going to have to go to my physiotherapist soon. Ouch!

Thursday, December 11, 2003


Værløse Swimming Pool
25 M Pool


400: Warm-up
200: Kick (All sides - flutter and fly)
4x75: Rolling Medley
2x100 Crawl (hip shoulder down/tempo back)
100: Breast
100: Back
100: Crawl
1500 M (36:44.79)

Good swim. Went swimming with my son on Monday as well.

Monday, December 01, 2003


Værløse Swimming Pool
25 M Pool


400: Warm-up
200: Kick (All sides - flutter and fly)
200: Breast
200: Back
200: Crawl
1400 M (approx. 40 minutes - forgot my watch)

Christmas has come to Denmark. From December 1st Christmas is all present here. I just about cracked up when I came in for my first turn. They had put a garland on the 5 meter turn flags. Something about it was just so ridiculous, I nearly choked on water laughing during a couple of turns.

Mainly because I'm imagining that this is just the start of the Christmas decorations at the swimming pool. For every day that goes by they will add more decorations, creating a green pine electric blinking water den. I remembered a televised advent calendar called "The Julekalender" which was shown in 1991. There was a potato farming couple, Oluf and Gertrud Sand, who were absolutely hilarious. Every day when Oluf came in from the fields, Gertrud said, "Oluf, I've put some more decorations up, but we need more decorations", and Oluf stoicly replyed, "That's just wonderful" On Dec. 24, they could barely move in their living room there were so many decorations.