Swmmr Grrl

Nearly as exciting as watching someone swim laps

Wednesday, March 24, 2010


Was sick for a while, and busy with Easter vacation, etc. so I forgot to blog this before.

1100 M (can't remember the program)

Wednesday, March 03, 2010


400M: 2 x 200 (100m free, 50m back, 50 breast)
100M: 4 x 25 dizzy/indian swimming
100M: 4 x 25 slow crawl - long strokes
100M: 4 x 25 breast stroke on back
250M: 5 x 50 free - maximum (start ever 2 minutes - 44-49 second swims with recovery)
500M: 5 x 100 medley
50M: cool down
1500M - approx. 48 minutes

Been away from the pool for a couple of weeks. One week there was winter vacation, last week there was snow, but was good to finally get back in the water. It's not because I've been lazy though, I've been skiing and occasionally going to the gym. Here's what I've been doing instead of swimming.

February 13, 2010
Went skiing with my son in the morning (only about 1km) and then on my own in the afternoon (about 8km)

February 14, 2010
Skied about 2km before I could tell that I was exhausted, and hadn't eaten enough for breakfast. Walked about 1km home.

February 16, 2010
Forgot to cancel the time I had booked at the fitness center. Since I didn't want to have to pay the $5.00 cancellation fee, I decided to show up. It was supposed to be a martial arts/Thai Boxing inspired work out but turned out to be "Pulse and Strength" instead.
Survived the hour. :-) Also joined up for their "Lose Weight and Win" competition.

February 17, 2010
Walked a lot.

1.0 km from home to train station
0.3 km from bus stop to work (got off a stop earlier so I could get some walking in)
1.6 km from a different train station to a meeting at the main library
0.4 km from library to Metro station
1.0 km from train station to home
4.3 km

February 18, 2010
Walked about 2.5 km and then shovelled a metric shitload of snow.

February 23, 2010
Had a nice 75 minute ski in the woods (probably 3-4 kilometers) after work

March 02, 2010
An hour of Funk at the Fitness club.