Swmmr Grrl

Nearly as exciting as watching someone swim laps

Monday, April 26, 2004

Great Swim

What makes a swim great? Distance? Form? Speed? Today the answer is the superior feeling achieved by comparing my efforts at lap swimming to the pathetic efforts of the water aerobic participants in the other half of the pool. God I'm great. God I'm in good shape. God I listen to much cooler music than that. Who else on the planet is still working out to "footloose"? The set today..
500 freestyle
50 cool-down
2x100 kick (75 free, 25 breast)
2x100 pull (decreasing breath intervals from every 3 to every 7 strokes)
50 cool down

Thursday, April 22, 2004


I've done a small facelift to the appearance of the blog. I'll get back to you about the width of the lanes.


2X400: (200 Crawl, 100 Breast, 100 Back)
100 Crawl
100 Breast
1000 M (26:13:37)

Just back from a much needed swim. I also need a nap. Snooze.

Friday, April 16, 2004

itsbean and its pool politics

Arrived at the YMCA tonight after work to find a "full" pool that's 3 people per lane but each lane is actually two lanes. Waited for a few minutes for people to leave and they did and then joined a lane. Heaven forbid that I should jump in before someone left and we would actually have to swim in a circle. What I should have done is asked the lifeguard to put in another laneline for some reason this beautiful 8 lane pool is perpetually divided into 4 lanes for lap swim. I asked the lap swimmer next to me, " gosh wouldn't it be nice if we had a two lanes here instead of one?" He told me this is the way of the pool-double wide lanes since he started swimming there 20 years ago (talk about entrenched). He went on to explain that the single lanes made by adding more lanelines were smaller than a standard single lane. So swmmr grrl I am hoping you will know...what is the standard size in inches please of a single laneline? The single lane revolution awaits your response!!! FIGHT THE POWERS THAT BE!!

Thursday, April 08, 2004


I'm off to Paris until Tuesday. Hope to swim while I'm there.

Tuesday, April 06, 2004

Back In Action

Started out very gingerly today with a slow and steady 500 free followed by a cool-down 100. I thought that my back would be stiff or hurt doing freestyle but that was not the case. The only stroke I tried today that gave it some strain was breast. Where are you swmmr grrl???!!!

Saturday, April 03, 2004

Split the lane itsbean

I'm out of the pool temporarily so I thought this is the perfect time to join swmmrgrrl. I threw my back out last tuesday morning in our basement doing bent over rows with a barbell...the doctor in the local "immediate" care center looked at me like I was a complete moron for doing an exercise guaranteed to whack your back. I plan to get back in the pool as soon as possible maybe even Sunday. Any suggestions for a set to start with. I may just let my legs drag not sure what kicking will feel like at this point. I like your sets swmmrgrrl- I'll have to try one soon. Last great swim I had was last Friday after work did 20 laps or 1000 yds freestyle non-stop. I am working up to a mile continuous.